The DICE Triad represents the interconnected relationship of three important groups of factors that can contribute to problem behaviors with dementia. These factors are related to: the person with dementia, the caregiver, and the environment. By considering all factors, more effective results in managing behaviors in dementia are possible.

The DICE Approach training program includes:
- Training videos narrated by Dr. Helen C. Kales, a board-certified, fellowship trained geriatric psychiatrist, accomplished researcher and expert in the assessment and management of BPSD
- Case-based "e-simulations" so that you can practice what you have learned
- A DICE worksheet that can be downloaded and printed for daily use
- The official DICE training manual companion (sold separately)

The DICE Approach training will educate caregivers about the proper role of medications for patients with BPSD:
- What are the only three first-line scenarios for medication use?
- Risks and benefits seen with commonly used drugs in dementia
- Why medications in dementia should be broadened to include non-psychiatric medications
The DICE Approach tool set...
The DICE Approach training tools include:
- Access to the expert training videos by Dr. Helen C. Kales, MD
- Interactive case-study simulations and educational quizzes
- Downloadable PDF of The DICE Approach worksheet for daily use.
- The DICE Approach manual, a comprehensive 142-page must-have guide can be purchased here: https://bit.ly/3NMOeHT
The DICE Approach training is now FREE and unlimited!
We are grateful that we are able to make The DICE Approach FREE in order to benefit as many caregivers as possible, whether they take care of a family member or work in a facility. The program can be applied wherever one lives, and at any time of the day or night they need help. There's no catch! No spam, no marketing emails, just an internationally renowned tool to help in your critical caregiving mission.
DisclaimerThe DICE Approach is an educational and training program and is not intended as medical advice or to replace your physician.
QuestionHow to contact the DICE Team if you encounter issues with the website?
Click on the "CONTACT" link next to the email icon at the top right side of the website. A form will pop up with our email address and you can easily type in your question. We promise to respond to your issue as quickly as possible.
QuestionWhy is the subscription free?
The DICE Approach subscription is free and unlimites so that caregivers can use and share the training modules, or to redo them if they ever need a refresher. Our goal is to help as many caregivers as possible in their critical mission to assist people living with dementia.
QuestionCan I purchase additional DICE Approach manuals?
Yes, additional DICE Approach manuals can be purchased by visiting the Bookstore via this link: https://bit.ly/3NMOeHT
Enhance your caregiving skills today!
Training videos, case study e-simulations, training manual and worksheet!